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About Pinecone



Marit Meijer

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Hi, I'm Marit. I focus on communication, content creation and coaching development. I am also the Pinecone coach in the process. I have always had a great interest in people and their personal growth. That is why, after my Communication training, I further developed into a professional coach and integrative coach/counselor. Would you like to get to know me a little better? WHY I have Enneagram Main Motivation #7 - that means I am driven by exploring unknown territory. I get energy from new opportunities, having options and collecting as many (new) experiences as possible. I also have a wing #6 - working with people is important to me. HOW I have a very high DISC score on yellow - that means I communicate in an informal and warm way. I am naturally very interested in people's thoughts and feelings. I make contact quickly and easily, even if I have only just met you. I am interested in the stories and ideas of others and I mainly view things with a positive outlook. WHAT My Clifton Strengths top 5 strengths are – Woo, Empathy, Positivism, Communication and Individualization. Most of my themes are linked to building relationships. For example, Woo stands for 'winning others over' and Individualization for being able to see the unique qualities of each person and knowing how to get the most out of them. The rest speaks for itself!


Robert van 't Blik

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Hi, I'm Robert. I am the founder of Pinecone and am mainly concerned with the development of the total concept and technology. What I enjoy most is going through development processes: 'from nothing to something, from something to better, from better to best'. For thirteen years I was involved in various development projects, ranging from real estate, business and concepts, to products and team developments.  Would you like to get to know me a little better? WHY I have Enneagram Main Motivation #7 - that means I am driven by exploring unknown territory. I get energy from new opportunities, having options and collecting as many (new) experiences as possible. I also have a wing #8 - it is important to me that I am in charge of something and can set the directions. HOW I have a very high DISC score on red - that means I communicate in an open and direct way. I work with a sense of urgency and am persuasive when asked. I enjoy a lively debate and can push back when necessary. WHAT My Clifton Strengths top 5 strengths are - Ideation, Direction, Strategic, Action Orientation and Individualization. The meaning of the first four speak for themselves and are all useful in development processes. Personalization means being able to see the unique qualities of each person and knowing how to best bring them out.


Why Pinecone?


Pinecones contain the seeds of the pine tree. When the weather is nice, they open their scales so that the seeds can spread. In bad weather, they close and retain their seeds.

A nice analogy for growth based on people's neuro-strengths.

Pinecones have been a symbol of human enlightenment, transition and regeneration since time immemorial.


A beautiful symbol for our mission.


The beauty of a pine cone lies in the layering of its scales. The beauty of man lies (among others) in the layering of our natural qualities.

A nice parallel in both beauties.

Our mission, vision and development principles

Pinecone was founded to create more awareness and understanding for yourself and each other. We want to contribute to a more beautiful world together and to form a basis for more successful collaborations.


We do this on the basis of everyone's natural qualities. We believe that natural qualities are of fundamental influence in our actions. These are life-determining competencies. By making optimal use of natural qualities, you can also achieve daily growth.


We follow four principles in developing our services:

Driven by people

The observation of and fascination for the great diversity of people's thoughts and actions is where it all starts.


Supported by theory

With various models and tools used worldwide, we bring structure within the diversity (and complexity).


Possibly through technology

We use digital program software, assessment algorithms and AI for the best possible personal result.


Validated with data

We continuously analyze small and big data to validate and improve our services. Our most important 'KPI' (Key Performance Indicator) is creating a positive impact in the lives of our participants.


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